Die norwegischen Progressive Extreme Metaller ENSLAVED befinden sich derzeit im Studio und nehmen ihr mittlerweile dreizehntes Studioalbum auf. Die Band hat folgendes Update veröffentlicht:
“As always, it is hard to formulate an exact direction ENSLAVED is or is not heading in with the new album. This duality is part of the essence of the band: The ability to maintain consistency and a strong identity and, at the same time, surprise both the oldest fans and even ourselves with new musical directions. The new material is darker and rawer, more aggressive and direct, yet continues the exploration deeper into progressive, softer, and more melodic territories with at times complex song structures, combined with unusually immediate (for ENSLAVED, at least) elements. The high level of energy in the songs reflects both an inspired and an ever-harder working band that keeps pushing their own and their associated genres’ limits. ”
Die Hauptaufnahmen zu dem bisher unbetitelten Werk finden in den „Duper and Solslottet Studios“ in Bergen, Norwegen statt. Zusätzliche Aufnahmen werden in „Conclave & Earshot Studios“ (deren Vorsitz die ENSLAVED Mitglieder Larsen und Ice Dale haben) sowie in Ivar Bjørnson’s eigenen „Peersonal Sound Studios“ vorgenommen.
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