Die  niederländischen Death Metaler haben erst letztes Jahr mit “Passiondale” ein Album veröffentlicht, das zweifellos zu den besten der langen Karriere der Band zu zählen ist! Bei einer Band, die permanent höchste Qualität abliefert, war es keine Frage, den Vertrag mit GOD DETHRONED zu verlängern, schliesslich hat die Band um Mainman Henri Sattler noch einiges im Köcher! Metal Blade Chef Brian Slagel kommentiert den Deal wie folgt: “We are very happy to continue our long and great relationship with God Dethroned. We’ve been working with the band and Henri for over a decade and we look forward to more great music from them in the future!”

Henri Sattler, GOD DETHRONED Gitarrist und Sänger addiert: “Once you’re in it, you’re in it for life, the head of Metal Blade in Europe once said to me. It was already a dream come true to sign our first deal with the label back in ‘97, and now 13 years later we just put our signature on our third contract with them. It’s just as exciting as it was back then and we’re very proud of earning their trust and support after all these years.”

”We are halfway through the writing process for a new album, which we will record starting end of May. First, we’ll play on the Killfest tour in the U.S. supporting Overkill together with label mates Woe of Tyrants and many other great bands. Abigail Williams’ axeman Ian Jekelis will take over touring duties for Susan, with whom we parted ways last January. We will announce the name of our new shredder right before we play our first European festival in May.”
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