There is something about me..


Posted by admin On September - 13 - 2010

Die schwedischen Satanic Death Metaller AEON befinden sich auf der Suche nach einem neuen Schlagzeuger! Falls ihr die nötigen FĂ€higkeiten und den entsprechenden Mut mitbringt, scheut euch nicht eine Bewerbung abzuschiessen. Lest das nachstehende Statement von AEON ĂŒber die Details zur Bewerbung und weshalb Nils die Band verlassen hat.

“Our drummer, Nils Fjellström has decided to leave the band on a very short notice. The reason for this is personal / private and Nils has chosen not to speak his mind out to the public about this. We will respect his wish not to do so, and therefore we will not reveal any details nor answering questions about this. As you may know, this is not the first time Nils is out of the band, but it’s most certain the last. How strange this even may sound, I really think that we will be better off without him in the long run. We need a drummer who we can rely on at all times, someone who can be there for us when opportunities show up etc. To take this band any further, we need a line-up where everyone has the same visions and goals.

At least this time around, there where no big tours planned like the last time Nils bailed out on us. We only had one show planned ahead that was scheduled to take place october 16. We kindly asked Nils to do at least this show with us before he left, but he simply didn’t agree to do so. This leaves us with no choice but to cancel our spot in this event. There is just too little time to rehearse a full headline set with a new session-drummer. Perhaps the promoter (HĂ„rdrocksklubben) will find a new headliner for this evening or it will get cancelled. Keep your eyes open on HĂ„rdrocksklubben’s website for further information about this event.

We will now be focusing on finding a worthy replacement for Nils and until we do, we will try to fill the spot temporarily with session-drummers.

This statement will also serve as an launch for a new drummer

If you are a drummer and think that you have what it takes to replace Nils in Aeon don’t hesitate to send us an application with some audio / video of you playing drums to: mark the subject with “Drummer application”. You don’t really need to be able to play exactly every little detail Nils is doing on the albums. The most important is that you are able to play the basics in the songs and the rest can be worked out from there. Naturally, we would prefer a drummer who lives in Sweden, but we are also open for distant / foreigner drummers as far as Europe goes, at least.”

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